Have you ever thought about how brand storytelling can impact your marketing and help your business attract more great clients? Why is it that prospective clients will choose a competing service provider, even when your marketing makes it clearly visible that you offer a better service at a better price?
I thought of this question yesterday after a friend asked me why I use an Apple computer even though I can get the same specs or a better computer on the Windows platform and at a fraction of the cost. My response was, “I don’t know really. I just like it”. I had never seriously thought about it before responding.
So, I started thinking, Why do some brands experience so much more success than others?
I take it that you are working hard every day to build a successful business. Chances are, by now you have figured out that relying on your service offering alone will not give you the desired marketing success. It takes something more.
It takes telling better stories.
Major companies such as Apple, Google, Amazon, and Coca-Cola have used their inclination for brand storytelling to stand out in their respective markets.
Relying on your offering alone, will make you just another logical option. The problem with this is that most people seem to make purchases that defy logic. Instead, we buy a product or service because of the way we feel about it. People buy into what they believe and the stories that they have been exposed to.
Stories are by far the best way to differentiate yourself from competing brands in your industry.
This is why; People don't buy features, they buy stories. People will always remember a good story. In response, you need a great story that humanizes your brand to position your business in the most effective way. It helps you to appeal to the emotions of your clients and prospects.
When too many of your prospective clients choose competitors, even after you have explained why your service is a better fit for their needs, try focusing less on the logic. Fewer graphs. Less numbers. Little facts.
Instead, tell them a better story. So, what is your story?
This will help you get started.
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