Marketing is essential for any business to grow, and it can either be a total waste of time or a profitable investment. Marketing that merely spreads from person to person without generating any results is a waste of time, energy, and focus. This type of marketing includes clickbait headlines, provocative images, cute/funny videos, newsjacking, and more. They can make a message go viral, but it does not necessarily translate into sales or new clients.
The marketing that produces bankable results is the one that spreads and sticks. Most business owners tend to overlook the importance of this aspect. Marketing that sticks means that the prospect takes action before sharing it with others. For instance, if it is online, the prospect may bookmark the page or save it to revisit later to place an order, make an inquiry, fill in a form, or call the number provided. This type of marketing creates leads and sales, attracting new clients, growing the market share, boosting the revenues and profits.
Therefore, it is vital to include a direct request or call to action in all marketing messages. It is especially crucial for content that is designed to be shared widely. A direct call to action can encourage the prospect to take action before sharing the message with others. By doing so, it increases the likelihood of generating leads and sales.
In conclusion, spreading a marketing message is not enough. It is the marketing that spreads and sticks that produces bankable results. Business owners should pay attention to both aspects of marketing and incorporate a direct request or call to action in their marketing messages to ensure that the prospect takes action before sharing the message with others. By doing so, they can maximize the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and achieve their business goals.